Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello--It's Me

First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt apologies to all the readers of this blog for my neglect over the past year. I have been seriously ill, and have not had the energy to pursue much of anything other than the struggle to regain my health.

I am feeling much better, and my recovery has led me to appreciate so many things I once took for granted. Like many young, healthy people, I didn’t know what it felt like to be weak, or unsure of what my physical capabilities would be from day to day. I didn’t know what it felt like to be unsure or afraid of the future—or uncertain of whether I would have a future.

But one thing of which I am now sure is the true meaning of “in sickness and in health.” As much as I have discussed interracial relationships in the abstract here, I have kept my own relationship private, and I will generally continue to do so. But my truly wonderful and selfless husband deserves every acknowledgment that I can extend to him. I am incredibly blessed and humbled by the depth and breadth of his love, which has revealed itself even more beautifully in my time of need than it ever could have during the best of our times together.

To my husband, I can only say again—as always, I love you. And to the ladies of the blogosphere, just know that there are good men out there. Never settle.


Jazine said...

It's good to see you back, healthy and sound! Taking care of yourself always comes first!

Felicia said...

That's SO beautiful what you wrote there about your husband.

He was only doing what he was supposed to do. You married a GOD man thank the lord.

Glad you're back and feeling better.

Blessings to you and yours!

daphne said...

Hi Aimee! Welcome back.

Glad to read that you have regain your health, and here's hoping the present and future continue to find you (and your hubby!) in good health.

PioneerValleyWoman said...

I was wondering what happened, Aimee!

So glad to hear you're back!

Aimee said...

Jazine, Felicia, daphne and PVW --

It's so good to hear from you all! I didn't really recognize how much I missed the online community until I was stuck in bed all day. Thanks so much for all of your warm wishes--I am incredibly grateful to be back on my feet again!

Pamela said...

THANK GOD for your husband. He is truly a quality man that knows AND DOES what he should do as a husband no matter the obstacles faced in life. This is what every woman should look for and not deal with scrubs.

Glad you are doing well. Welcome back. Looking forward to continued reading.

Gloryus said...

Good to see you're back Aimee! You were gone for quite a long time.

DB said...

I am sorry to hear about your health troubles--I can definitely relate (was confined to a bed once for months and months--and like you--thankful for my wonderful rock of a dh). Happy to hear you are doing well. I am SO glad you are blogging again!

foreverloyal said...

Welcome back. I just figured you were busy with work and married life.

Glad you've been restored to health.

Sandra77 said...

Aimee, so sorry to hear that you've been ill. I'm glad that you are better. I am also glad that you are back blogging. I wondered what had happened - if you were just sick of the trolls and had given up blogging. Your voice has been missed, so I'm really glad to know that you are better and back.

Anonymous said...

A big and very warm WELCOME BACK to you Aimee! You were very much missed, and I am so happy to hear that you are healthy again!

SweetSoulSister said...

I am so glad you are healthy again. I'm glad your amazing hubby was there to take care of you.

That said, I am sooooooooooooooo glad you're back. I've missed you, as I'm sure others have. I've been coming to your blog weekly since you stopped last year. I stopped following your blog a month ago and now I'm following you again. I thank my lucky stars for Khadija and you.

LaJane Galt said...

Welcome back! I thought you just gave up. I'm glad that you are through the woods.

clarice said...

Welcome back you have been missed:)

Anonymous said...

Best wishes to you!


arthur said...

Welcome back Aimee!

Your special brand of commentary has indeed been missed.

Halima said...

Aimee is that you! Praise the Lord!. R you ok. Please email me!

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