Monday, July 23, 2007

Why "Black Girls Rule"?

In my "mission statement," I wanted to make clear that this blog will act primarily as a place for black women and the men who love us to meet, communicate, exchange information and ideas, and enjoy each other's company! In time I hope to learn more about all of you, and to share more about my own life.

To provide a brief introduction:

I am a black American woman originally from the Midwest, currently living in the NYC metropolitan area. I am engaged to be married (in August '07!) to a white American man. Perfection is for the gods--but my life is damned good, and I want to share that good fortune with other sisters, and with the men who love (or want to love) those sisters!

This blog is dedicated to all of those fabulous women, and everyone with the discernment to appreciate them--this is YOUR forum to utilize in your individual journeys to achieve your dreams and maximize your access to every good thing the world has to offer. Now is our time!


Unknown said...

You rock, Aimee. Thanks for doing this blog! I love that I have happened upon you and other like-minded people who live and love out loud and lift us up as sisters by reminding us how lovable and special we naturally are.

All the best in your wonderful life.

Anonymous said...

Good going Aimee!

Great blog. Congratulations also on your impending wedding. NYC, WOWie, that is the elite redneck haven.
I mean that discrmination is subtle but strong n there is real bad segregation in living much more that in few other 'sophisticated' metropolitan places.

In NY, the work environment is the only place where all races mix. Then they go home to segregation and use the 'N' word and the 'WT' words.
Also about 10 years ago the KKK said they had the greatest number of registered members in North East from Long Island, NY. I do not know if this is still the same.

How will you deal with NY rejection and racism if you encounter it? A friend left LI with her husband on account of the discrimination not just against her but very badly against her children.
I am asking because I am preparing myself as well.

Aimee said...

Welcome kriste and anon! Keep reading, and write your own blogs as well. The more the better!

In terms of dealing with segregation and discrimination in NYC, it is no better or worse here than it is in the midwestern community I came from. These are unfortunate factors of American life, and in my experience, the best way to deal with them is (1) to make as much as individual progress as you can so that you're in a position of power to influence positive change, and (2) to communicate and join with like-minded individuals to also initiate change, which is one purpose served by this blog.

I understand why someone would move from a community where they are miserable, and there are certainly places where it is objectively worse than others--but I've never felt that you can really move away from problems, especially not racism.

Anonymous said...

Born and raised in NYC. I can honestly say NYC is NOT "redneck haven". It' not more or less racist then any other place in the US or the world for that matter. Where you get this information from? I would advise you to visit for yourself if you haven't already instead of listening to others. One of the most diverse city's in the country, I never felt "segregated" against. And yes there a few mixed neighborhoods but you need to tell me in other places it's not the same? That couldn't be further from the truth.
I see you mention LI. Well being from NYC I can tell you LI is NOT considered part of "the city" just like upstate NY isn't considered part of "the city". Both is each it's own little town or place. Both are suburbs to NYC and even some New Yorkers see New Jersey as NYC suburb. LI does have quite of few whites I don't know if they're "rednecks" or not but LI is not as diverse as "the city". But NYC is far from being a "redneck haven". If I had to think of "redneck havens" it would be places in the deep south aka Mississippi,Arkansas,Oklahoma etc.... and even the Midwest.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in NYC all my life. I can tell you that it is very racially segregated in terms of housing. You do mingle with the races in the work environment but rarely do blacks and whites live together. Most of the blacks and Latinos are segregated in the poorer sections of the city such as the Bronx, parts of Brooklyn, Queens, and the notorious projects in Staten Island around the North Shore. There is an upper middle class almost exclusively black neighborhood in Queens but that is the exception not the rule. You now have a phenomena of gentrification happening in Harlem and in the poorer sections of Brooklyn. More and more you see developers building condos that cater to the middle upper class to the rich.

New York City tends to be racially segregated due to one's economic class status, if you have the funds you can move into the hipster neighborhoods and put down the down payment for a condo. It might be a little harder for blacks becauuse of discrimination, but it can be done. They are enticing white and black middle to upper class to buy condos in Harlem.

There are some community activists trying to stop the gentrification of Harlem, I think it's a shame these people who have lived there for decades never bought their place of resident, now they are going to pay the price for it.

Anonymous said...

Well it isn't no different than any other place you go. It's rare that whites and blacks live together anywhere. Sorry I just feel NY always gets a bad label. Whether it's called a "dangerous" city or "rude people" live there now it's a segregated town? First time I'm hearing that term associated with NY.

It's not total discrimination when it comes to housing in NYC or really anywhere else. Most whites tend to have more money than blacks. There for could afford that apartment in Manhattan the cost $5,000 for rent. You don't find a lot blacks living in Manhattan because of that. The other boroughs tend to have cheaper more affordable places to live for the black people who can't afford the uppity areas in Manhattan. Nothing wrong with that.
The good areas in Brooklyn,Queens,the Bronx and Staten Island consist of mainly Jews,Polish,Russian or Italian's especially the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Anonymous said...

I must say, Aimee, that your essays so far have been incredibly insightful, full of sophisticated analysis.

Excellent work!

Pioneer Valley Woman

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